Saturday, April 22, 2006

CHINA AND U.S. THE GREAT DIVIDE (Time 24 April pg18)

One of the world's most important bilateral relationship, China and America. After previous clashes with each other such as their ideologies, it is heartening to see that they are putting effort in forming diplomatic ties with each other.

I believe that the reason behind this diplomacy is for economic benefits. America will benefit as China's economy has boomed and the nation's importance on the world stage has dramatically expanded. China will definitely benefit from this diplomacy as U.S. is still the world's undisputed superpower, much as this gap is narrowing.

Of course the other reason for the diplomacy is for political benefits. Both are big countries, with manpower and technology. Having diplomacy will prevent them from going against each other as often and solving their disagreements more peacefully leading to more stability in the countries. Both countries can also work together to solve common problems.

My father once mentioned that friends are of convenience, I guess that applies to countries as well.


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