Saturday, June 03, 2006

WHY THE DA VINCI CODE MOVIE WON'T BE GETTING MY $9.50 (Straits Times 2 June pg39)

Regarding the banning of the movie, I have to say I am rather glad the government has decided to allow the movie to be viewed in Singapore. Much as I feel as a Catholic the movie should not be shown to prevent faiths to be put through such a test as we are not ready, as a civilian I believe people who do not practise our faith deserve the right to watch it if they want to.

The government has shown that they have not forgotten Singapore is multi religious thus knows that the movie cannot be banned here as discontent would rise. In addition the government should be applauded to rate is as NC16. This is because viewers above this age would most likely be able to think for themselves whether they should watch it knowing the consequences more clearly. Thus those against it should just uphold tolerance and acceptance and in out own lifestyle choices, could we then make gestures of protest.


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